Legal audit

In the process of entrepreneurial activity, it is impossible to conduct business without qualified legal assistance. Entrepreneurs are focused only on the core solution of those or other legal issues of the company. Frequently there are shortcomings due to fixation of the main attention on current processes. As a result of omissions, the company may face serious consequences.

To avoid such problems, entrepreneurs often seek high-priced legal assistance, which can result in significant costs to the business. But there is a more cost-effective and convenient solution – legal auditing. Legal audit means the implementation of a comprehensive review of documentation and legal analysis of the activities of corporate entities in accordance with the requirements of the current laws of the country.

To ensure legality and eliminate the risks of fines and inspections, our team of international specialists is ready to provide you with Legal Audit on the following aspects:

  • Legal audit of constituent documents
  • Legal audit of contractual activities
  • Legal audit of labor relations
  • Legal audit of separate structural subdivisions of the company
  • Analysis of claims and litigation work of the company
  • Legal audit of property rights
  • Full legal audit of the company’s activity includes all the above-mentioned types of legal audit.

The main objectives of a legal audit:

Risk identification: identifying potential legal risks associated with the company’s activities or specific transactions.

Legal compliance: verification of compliance of the company’s activities with applicable laws and regulations.

Document evaluation: reviewing contracts, licenses, legal documents and other materials to ensure they are legally correct and consistent with the organization’s objectives.

Deal preparation or Due diligence: a legal audit may be conducted prior to mergers, acquisitions, investments or other strategic transactions to ensure legal security and minimize risk.

Risk management: developing strategies to manage identified risks and deficiencies.

Compliance: verifying that an organization is compliant with legal standards and internal controls.


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